Competition/Antitrust Law

Figueras Legal is a law firm that specializes in Competition/Antitrust Law. Our team, composed of professionals with specific training in the field and with numerous years of experience in this type of proceedings, studies each case in detail with the strong purpose of serving the interests of our clients.

Aware of the abusive practices that exist in the market and that unfortunately hinder the exercise of free competition, at Figueras Legal we provide comprehensive advice to SMEs and large companies that require our services to develop their respective activities on equal terms.

Our specialists provide comprehensive legal assistance, both as a preventive measure and representing them before the competent authorities and courts, in highly relevant matters, such as the protection of competition, the merger control and State aids.

Our focus

    • Unfair competition
    • Trade agreements: Distribution or supply covenants
    • Abuse of dominant market positions
    • Merger control
    • Control of State aids
    • Managing disciplinary proceedings


     Calle Tuset nº 10 4º 2ª

    08006 Barcelona

    T.: (+34) 93 419 38 45
    F.: (+34) 93 322 16 53


    Gran Vía, 6
    28015 | Madrid

    T.: (+34) 91 524 74 14
    F.: (+34) 91 524 74 99