Public Law

As specialists in Public Law, Figueras Legal provides legal assistance and advice in all types of administrative procedures to public sector entities, as well as private companies and individuals that deal with the public sector.

The professionals of our Public Law Department, who are highly qualified experts and with a consolidated track record, focusing on accompanying our clients throughout the entire process, by offering them continuous advice and ensuring the best defense of their interests.

In order to do this, at Figueras Legal we work with all kinds of regulations, jurisprudence and legal doctrine, continuously updated, with which we study in detail each case to, subsequently, provide those legal alternatives that guarantee their safeguarding.

Our extensive experience in the field and the high percentage of successful cases make us stand out.

Our focus

    • Management and support service in information and foreclosure requirements carried out by the Public Administrations, such as the Tax Authority, Social Security Administration, Courts and Local Administrations. This service is mainly aimed at financial sector companies (insurance and banking) and large organizations. Provided by fully dedicated Lawyers.
    • Administrative and contentious-administrative proceedings
    • Subsidies and grants


     Calle Tuset nº 10 4º 2ª

    08006 Barcelona

    T.: (+34) 93 419 38 45
    F.: (+34) 93 322 16 53


    Gran Vía, 6
    28015 | Madrid

    T.: (+34) 91 524 74 14
    F.: (+34) 91 524 74 99